sábado, 25 de outubro de 2008

Opioids in Medicine: A comprehensive review on the mode of action and the use of analgesics in different clinical pain states

Opioids in Medicine: A comprehensive review on the mode of action and the use of analgesics in different clinical pain states
Autor: Enno Freye
Editora : Springer
Edição: 1ª
Ano: 2008
Use of opioids in pain medicine is a rapidly expanding speciality especially since pain pharmacotherapy as a continuum of care is an essential asset in pain medicine.
The book has been conceived to fill the void for a comprehensive review of the theoretical knowledge and scope of opioid pharmacotherapy in pain medicine. While the information provided is obtainable in other major text already in print, the present format style plus the illustrations will make easy reading and fast accessibility of information on opioids available. Information provided is based on clinical practice rather than pure experimental data giving the clinician something at hand, which is useful in daily practice. Wherever required, the mechanisms of action of pain pharmacotherapy are described in detail and references are provided to give the reader further sources for additional information.
As a special feature of the book, self-explanatory figures result in an immediate clarification of the mode of action of central analgesics, thus avoiding the usual long and fatigueing text in common standard pain books.
A table of contents rapidly leads the reader from general issues of pain to specific pain syndromes and their management, putting the emphasis on the practical does and dont´s, with special reference to lawful prescribing and preventing diversion of opioid use.

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