sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2008
The answer page
Uma excelente recomendação feita ao forum que foi adicionada à secção "ligações interessantes nos menus da direita. É um site que se chama The answer page . É organizado pela Harvard Medical School Clinical Faculty. Podemos registar-nos e receber diariamente no e-mail uma pergunta relacionada com a anestesia juntamente com uma breve resposta com referências bibliográficas. Os temas são variados e cada assunto tratado de forma continuada ao longo de alguns dias.
Bonica's Management of Pain - 3ª edição
quinta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2008
Epidural Analgesia in Acute Pain Management
Epidural Analgesia in Acute Pain Management
terça-feira, 28 de outubro de 2008
The Goodman and Gilman Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
The Goodman and Gilman Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Autores: Laurence Brunton, Donald Blumenthal, Iain Buxton, Keith Parker
Editora: McGraw-Hill Professional
Edição: 1ª
Ano: 2007
The Goodman & Gilman Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics offers the renowned content of Goodman & Gilman's Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Eleventh Edition, condensed into an ultra-handy, streamlined reference.
More than just a pocket drug guide, this indispensable resource offers:
- A carry-along source of essential fundamental information, with all the authority of Goodman & Gilman's Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Eleventh Edition
- The benefits of the world's leading pharmacology text in a convenient, portable format
- Comprehensive, yet streamlined and clinically relevant coverage of the pharmacological basis of therapeutics
- High-yield overview of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and the foundations of pharmacology
- Expert insights into the properties, mechanisms, and uses of all the major drug classes
- Considerations of vital patient-specific issues
Curso sepsis e infecções graves
1. Sépsis: conceitos e fisiopatologia
2. Sépsis grave / Choque séptico: monitorização e suporte hemodinâmico
Disfunções de órgãos na sépsis
- Disfunção respiratória - ALI/ARDS
- Disfunção renal
- Disfunção hematológica e coagulopatia
- Disfunção digestiva, hepática e metabólica
- Os microrganismos e os focos de infecção
- Regras gerais de antibioterapia
Infecções graves
- Pneumonia adquirida na comunidade
- Infecção intra-abdominal
- Infecção do SNC
- Pneumonia nosocomial
Os hospedeiros “atípicos”
- Transplantado
- Neutropénico
- Os microrganismos atípicos
- Sepsis relacionada com próteses/cateteres
- Profilaxia da infecção do local cirúrgico
- Sépsis sem focalização
- As recomendações da Surviving Sepsis Campaign
segunda-feira, 27 de outubro de 2008
How to Survive in Anaesthesia: A Guide for Trainees
domingo, 26 de outubro de 2008
Anaesthesia Science
Autores: Nigel R. Webster, Helen F. Galley
Editora: BMJ Books
Edição: 1ª
Ano: 2006
Anaesthesia Science presents the scientific foundations upon which the clinical practice of anaesthesia and care of the critically ill are based.
Written on the basis that basic science underlies the practice of anaesthesia
Contributors include some of the world’s most eminent anaesthesiologists
Provides coverage on less well appreciated aspects of the subject, such as the microcirculation, multi-organ failure, and the theory of pain
Thoroughly integrates the clinical practice of anaesthesia with basic sciences, providing all the information needed in one convenient source
Based on the Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) syllabus and aimed at trainee anaesthetists preparing for the FRCA, the European Diploma of Anaesthesiology and other equivalent examinations
sábado, 25 de outubro de 2008
Learn the brachial plexus in five minutes or less
Opioids in Medicine: A comprehensive review on the mode of action and the use of analgesics in different clinical pain states
The book has been conceived to fill the void for a comprehensive review of the theoretical knowledge and scope of opioid pharmacotherapy in pain medicine. While the information provided is obtainable in other major text already in print, the present format style plus the illustrations will make easy reading and fast accessibility of information on opioids available. Information provided is based on clinical practice rather than pure experimental data giving the clinician something at hand, which is useful in daily practice. Wherever required, the mechanisms of action of pain pharmacotherapy are described in detail and references are provided to give the reader further sources for additional information.
As a special feature of the book, self-explanatory figures result in an immediate clarification of the mode of action of central analgesics, thus avoiding the usual long and fatigueing text in common standard pain books.
A table of contents rapidly leads the reader from general issues of pain to specific pain syndromes and their management, putting the emphasis on the practical does and dont´s, with special reference to lawful prescribing and preventing diversion of opioid use.
quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2008
Modern Anesthetics (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology)
Anatomy for Anaesthetists
PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) Review: Pearls of Wisdom)
PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) Review: Pearls of Wisdom)
Autor: Guy H. Haskell
Editora: McGraw-Hill/Appleton & Lange
Edição: 3ª
Ano: 2007
Updated to meet the 2005 American Heart Association Guidelines, this rapid-fire question-and-answer book is required reading for anyone preparing for PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) certification or recertification.
Chronic pain 2 - pain management series
Chronic Pain 2
Autor: Gary Jay
Editora: Informa Healthcare
Edição: 2ª
Ano: 2007
1. Anatomy and Physiology of Pain: The Central and
Peripheral Nervous Systems 1
2. Molecular Mechanisms of Nociception 13
3. Peripheral Mechanisms of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain 25
4. Myofascial Pain Syndrome 37
5. Sympathetic Aspects of Soft-Tissue Pain 61
6. Medical Management of Myofascial Pain Syndrome 67
7. Trigger-Point Injections 79
8. Fibromyalgia: Clinical Aspects and Pathophysiology 87
9. Fibromyalgia: Clinical Evaluation and Medical Management 119
10. Soft-Tissue Pain Syndromes: Brain, Mind, and Body Connections 139
11. Neuropathic Pain 145
12. Tension-Type Headache 193
13. Medications 223
14. Narcotic Therapy for Patients with Chronic Non-Cancer Pain 235
15. Psychological Aspects of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain 257
16. Interventional Pain Medicine in the Treatment of Chronic
Non-Cancer Pain 275
17. Interdisciplinary Treatment of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain 285
quarta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2008
terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2008
Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia guidelines for the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting
segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2008
Core Topics in Airway Management
Concise Anatomy for Anesthesia
domingo, 19 de outubro de 2008
The ECG Manual: An Evidence-Based Approach
sexta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2008
Pocket Guide Pain Management
Pocket Guide Pain Management
The increasing call for quality management and improvement can only be met by the introduction of standard operating procedures (SOPs) which ensure continuity and consistent quality in patient care. The purpose of the book is to review the practice of pain therapy in a very concise form. Based on the longstanding experience of the authors and editors, specific, proven guidelines have been developed on how to proceed in a variety of clinical situations. All relevant procedures are described in a short and clear manner so that the user will know specifically what to do in certain clinical circumstances.
Numerous studies have shown that the implementation of SOPs in the various participating departments can optimize processes and lead to shorter hospital stays. In this way, standards can become a significant factor in boosting efficiency and reducing costs.
quarta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2008
Essential guide to generic skills
It advises new doctors on note-keeping, time management/organisation, communicating with colleagues, the structure of the NHS, and how to deal with the ethical and legal issues they face when on-call.
Also looks at emotional intelligence, learning styles or how different personality types can work together more effectively.
Autores: David E. Longnecker, David L. Brown, Mark F. Newman, Warren M. Zapol
Editora: McGraw-Hill Professional
Edição: 1ª (Dez 14, 2007)
The new benchmark in anesthesiology
Written and edited by an internationally known team of experts, Anesthesiology gives you a 360-degree view of the field, covering all of the anesthetic considerations, preparations, and procedures for the surgical patient, the pain patient, or the critical care patient. You'll find a unique balance between clinical information, practical clinical procedures, and the molecular and basic scientific underpinnings of anesthesiology practice.
Anesthesiology delivers a multi-perspective, wide-ranging view of anesthetic drugs, procedures, co-morbid diseases, and need-to-know postoperative pain management strategies. This essential guide not only focuses on general anesthesia, but also is the first to feature a detailed look at the subspecialty of regional anesthesia.
segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2008
Medical Statistics at a Glance
domingo, 12 de outubro de 2008
Palpation and Assessment Skills
Palpation and Assessment Skills
Evidence-Based Resource in Anaesthesia and Analgesia
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